Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Renewed Passion

Have you ever fallen completely out of love with a WIP or published work and then took the time to re-read it and fell in love with it all over again?

I was asked this question the other day ...

What body of work did you fall out of love with but it took rereading it to regain the passion?

And what immediately came to mind was the third installment of the Fate's Endeavor Collection which I've titled "If Death Should Find Me".
It is a story that hasn't even been published yet, but a series of events resulted in me loosing all passion for the project and getting to a point where I didn't even want to finish it any more.

Ladies and gentlemen, please have a seat and enjoy the story.

Some people are cruel and vindictive individuals; consumed by malice to the point of destruction towards others. That was my experience after the, what I thought was, very victorious publication of "If Death Should Love Me".

Here is my story.

Back in October of 2014 "If Death Should Love Me" hit book stores. I was elated at the amount of support I'd been getting from various author friends. However, during the same junction of time, my publishing house was simultaneously dealing with backlash from people who didn't like their polices.
What does one thing have to do with the other, you're wondering?

Well, it is like this ...

The people who All Authors Publishing House had had a falling out with decided to troll some of the authors whom were attached to the House. I fell among that group.
These trolls took the time out of their busy schedules (NOT!) to post bad reviews about "If Death Should Love Me" saying horrible things about the story that wasn't altogether true. One of these so called reviewers took it upon herself to divulge every last detail of the story spoiling the experience for anyone who may have wanted to read it.

This hit me hard. So hard, in fact, that it affected the 2nd book "Demoness Enchanted" and ultimately the uncompleted "If Death Should Find Me".

The way that "Demoness Enchanted" was affected was because I felt as if the story was as terrible as they made the first book seem and the outcome was me ripping out large chunks of the story. Inevitably, I was not altogether happy with the final draft and almost didn't let my publishing house publish it.

As it pertained to "If Death Should Find Me", I just started falling out of love with it to the point where writer's block took hold so profusely that every time I opened the manuscript I just couldn't write. I could not, for the life of me, write anything. Not. A. Thing. And, whatever I forced myself to write I hated. Most of the stuff I added, I eventually deleted because it just felt like a load of horse crap.
Eventually setting the project aside altogether I had sort of decided that I would just never finish it. Besides, who would want to read such a heaping pile of shit anyway? I struggled to see any light at the end of the Fate's Endeavor tunnel.

However, a couple of weeks ago the characters were talking to me as if to say, "Come one, Rose! You need to finish our story!" Their presence was so powerful that I wasn't able to ignore them.
Acquiescing, I opened the manuscript and began to read.
With every paragraph I felt a tinge of a re-ignition. By the time I'd finished the first 2 chapters my passion for the story had reignited.
I am happy to announce that I am back on the ban wagon and ready to complete the story.

Wish me luck everyone!

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