Thursday, June 27, 2019

Dennis the Menace--An Interview with Dennis from "Fleeting Moments"

Hey there, y'all!

Today I am bringing you a fun look into Dennis from my story "Fleeting Moments" which was featured in "Pleasure Prints: Divergent Ink Book 2". Here we go!

Q: How would you describe yourself to someone who’s never seen you?

A: I guess I would say that I am just an average guy. Average height, average weight, average looks. Just like the guy next door only not as hot as the movies would have you believe. I am “that guy” you see everywhere.

Q: Do you really like hot chocolate or were you just doing that to melt Helena’s heart?

A: I wasn’t really trying to melt anyone’s heart. She looked lonely, not to mention bored. Since one never knows who is a coffee person and who is a tea person, I figured that hot chocolate was a safe bet and a good ice breaker. I don’t know many people that don’t like hot chocolate. I guess it was just a gesture of kindness for a person who looked like that needed a friend.

Q: In your opinion, why does Helena act the way she acts?

A: She seemed like a tough cookie, that Helena. But I’ve been around people long enough to know who is really that hard core and who uses it as a defense mechanism. Helena used the tough exterior to get where she wanted to go. I get and respect that. But that by no means meant that she was happy with life and with herself. Her behavior was all a mask that I thought she could do with getting rid of. Just my personal assessment, I guess.

Q: How could you deal with her attitude on a nightly basis?

A: I didn’t really. Lol.
I ignored it. Plus, half the time I just left the hot chocolate on her desk whenever she was away. The other half of the time, I chatted her up a little, gave her the cup and left. It wasn’t too much to deal with per say, if you really think about it.

Q: What instincts did you use in order to develop insight on Helena’s wants?

A: Basic instincts, I guess. I think that the Universe gave me the gift of discernment. I have always had this 6th sense that lets me read people.

Q: What is it like to work while battling an illness?

A: It’s life. I don’t know, I never gave it much thought. I just did what needed doing. Besides, who was going to pay my bills? You just learn how to take things one day at a time and get things done.

Q: Would you have ever wanted anything more from Helena besides friendship?

A: No, not at all. Besides, it would have been selfish and unrealistic of me to want more when I knew my situation. It wouldn’t have been fair to anyone. So, friendship was fine by me.

Q: Outside of work, what other activities do you like to do?

A: I love baseball. I watched a lot of baseball and did a lot of baseball related things. LOL

Q: How do you define friendship and do you believe that you and Helena achieved it in the span of time you two knew each other?

A: I define friendship as the acceptance of a person regardless of their social status, appearance, characteristics, and personality. Friendship is just being who you are to a person who is who they are without compromise or judgement. And, yes, I think we did.

Q: What is the best advice you can give to someone who is going through challenges in life?

A: Stick it out. It’ll probably get better. Who knows? Maybe it’ll get worse. No one knows what tomorrow holds, but life goes on no matter what happens. Take things as they come, do the best you can, and please, by all mean … LIVE A LITTLE.

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