Friday, May 22, 2020

A Royal Read: "Taint on Religion"

Hello everyone! Queen of Spades here, dropping by Author C. Desert Rose's spot to talk about my earliest short story freebie "Taint on Religion".


Natasha was taught three things: to love God, to love herself, and to always go to church. When a sea of tragedy strikes in her youth, she strays from the path of God. Realizing the error of her ways, she seeks redemption in her adult years. Reverend Jamison and his church looks to be the answer to her prayers. Yet when things in the dark come to the light, Natasha is faced with a tough decision. Does she stay silent with her discovery or does she dare put a taint on religion?


With "Taint on Religion" I tackle quite a few subjects. How one processes tragedy and going down an improper path. If a church can truly be forgiving. If a person's intentions are actually pure or have an ulterior motive. The reader goes through all the motions with Natasha but that doesn't mean that each reader will have the same feelings once the story is over.

"Taint on Religion" is available on my website or the Freebies section of All Authors Publishing House.

Thanks for having me.

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